Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well, the big pack out is finished! It took them 1 full day and about 3/4's of the next day. They have some unusual packing practices here - apparently the goal is to get your stuff into the least amount of space no matter what. So, if there is a spot in a box with kitchen stuff, they go get a toy from the kid's rooms to fill it. They also packed our stuff IN drawers of our furniture - like crammed as much in as they could! The movers who packed us to send us here did not do it that way, so it alarmed me a little. I really can't imagine how long it's going to take me to unpack that unorgaized mess!! I tried to focus on the fact that at least *I* wasn't having to do the packing and moving boxes myself! I've done that enough times to know how much work it is!

Now, we have the loaner furniture back again which is called "boonie furniture" here in Guam. It's functional, but not the most comfortable and our house now feels much like living in a hotel!! We do still have our kitchen stuff, bedding, clothes, etc. that we will send in an "express shipment" right before we actually leave and we are thankful to have all that.

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