Wednesday, September 26, 2007

SO proud!

Adysen and Allie have started a program at the base chapel called Awanas. It's a program that is sort of similar to girl scouts, but the focus is on memorization of biblical concepts - mostly scripture. Last year, they started but got frustrated quickly by the memorization they had to do in the beginning. In order to pass the first "step" and get their vests and books, they had to learn the Awana motto, Awana plege, US pledge, Awana song and John 3:16. They had to know these word for word with no help and the leaders were really strict, allowing no help at all. They tried it for a few weeks and then lost interest. This year, they wanted to try again and Adysen caome home tonight with the biggest smile on her face because she made it the first week this time!!! Allie knew hers also, but she faked a sickness today and came home from school, so she didn't get to go tonight. I hope she passes next week.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fall Festival

Well, it sure doesn't FEEL like Fall around here, we had a Fall Festival at school this weekend. I didn't get to take my camera, but did get a shot of the lovely face painted girls afterward! Allie also got purple hair, but Adysen decided colored hair was not her thing! :)Allie's class made a rainbow Fish cake that won first place in the contest and she was SO excited. Kelsey opted to miss the excitement of the festival and go to the High School football game instead!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh No!

Well, we awoke to a very unwelcome sight this morning. It was raining like crazy and apparently our canopy that covers our back porch just couldn't handle it. It had streteched out a bit and had a weak spot in it and apparently the water pooled in there, pulling down the canopy until the frame gave way. We are so sad because we spend SO much time on our porch and this canopy set up was not cheap - nothing in Guam is cheap!!

This is how it looked before:

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What we've been up to.....

Well, we have been adjusting to school starting and getting back in the routine and all that goes along with that. We did find time to have some fun on the beach during Labor Day weekend, though....

Adysen and Allie started a new season of soccer and I got some good pictures of their game yesterday. The pictures look similar to the ones from last season as they have the same uniforms, but I like to have pictures of each season to see how they grow!