Thursday, February 28, 2008

What a teacher is to Allie

Those of you who know Allie will understand when I say that this child is the most frustrating AND the most hilarious child all at the same time. She starts EVERY sentence with "Mom?" and waits for me to answer even if we are the only 2 people for miles around. Then, she ends every sentence with "OK mom??" and again... waits for me to answer to make sure she has my undivided attention.

Tomorrow is Career Day at school and the kids can dreass like any career person that they choose. Allie has decided that she wants to be a cowgirl as her ultimate career, but since we are ALL out of cowgirl clothes here in Guam, she decided to dress as a teacher. Here is a conversation that we had a few minutes ago....
"Yes, Allie"
"This skirt looks good, right mom?"
"Yes Allie"
"I look like a teacher, right mom?"
"Yes Allie"
"I want to be a cowgirl, but I'm dressing like a teacher, right mom?"
"Yes Allie"
"This shirt matches this skirt, right mom?"
"Yes Allie"
"Yes Allie"
"Tomorrow, I'm going to wear fresh underwear so I can SMELL like a teacher, OK Mom?"
(no answer... laughing to hard to reply! :-)
I can't wait to go to school tomorrow and let Allie's teacher know that Allie thinks she smells like fresh underwear!!! Heeeheee


ETexGurl said...

thats to cute!!!

i miss you guys!!

Happy Campers said...

Oh that is just beyond precious, right Trina? :)

The Ards said...

We miss you too Meagan- not too much longer until we'll be close by again! :)

The Ards said...

Heather, I'll have to ask Kelsey if she remembers HER first grade teacher smelling like fresh underwear!! :) Ha!!

Happy Campers said...

Oh dear, I sure hope I smelled nice like that :) hehehehe