Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Where the Wild Things Are"

The title of this children's book has taken on a whole new meaning for us this week.........We have a flowerbed beside our house that has these huge "Elephant Ear" plants. They grow fast and tend to get big and we have to pull them up sometimes. Yesterday, I left for work and saw the biggest bundle of them on the ground and the flowerbed was all torn up. I was surprised, but thought maybe Jason had done a little trimming and gotten carried away! When I asked him about it, he said he didn't do it and said that our neighbors had the SAME thing happen to them and they had come over and asked him if he'd dug their plant up! Come to find out, it was a WILD HOG that likes to eat the roots of those plants!! We knew those were a problem on the edges of the base, but I am amazed that one would get to our house as we are almost in the middle and our area is very populated. He must have been one strong hog to have dug up that huge plant along with the roots!!

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