Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 2

Day 2
Our activity of the day today was shopping!! After breakfast, we all headed out to the area outside of our hotel. We had no idea what to expect and were amazed by the tons and tons of shopping opportunities that are right outside our hotel! The area is called the Pratunum shopping district….. there are vendors and little markets set up all along the streets for miles and there are many malls and inside places to shop as well. We made a major dent in our Christmas shopping list today and also had fun doing a little shopping for ourselves. The prices are just incredible and the people are very respectful for the most part. We did encounter a few pushy ones, but most of them were very nice. After lunch, Jason, Adysen and Allie had reached their shopping limit and headed back to the hotel for a swim while Kelsey and I shopped some more. We found a Starbucks down the road and enjoyed some flavored coffees that we have missed so much since living in Guam where there is no Starbucks!

I had a sad moment when I dropped my camera on a bridge and the (brand new) rechargeable battery flew below into the street. Amazingly, Jason was able to retrieve it and it had not been run over, but it was damaged from the fall and wouldn’t work. I had hopes that some regular AA batteries would do the trick, but they didn’t either – apparently the camera was broken in the fall. Kelsey forgot her battery charger for her camera, so unless I bought a new one, we were facing some days of our trip with no pictures and that just wouldn’t be good!! We were able to locate a camera store with a decent price on a similar, but better model than the one I had, so hopefully that one will last a long time. We just bought a new camera in July while we were on our cruise and Jason dropped my other one. Hopefully this is the last of the camera accidents!!

Tonight we had dinner in the hotel at a wonderful Italian place. It was strange to eat great Italian food in Thailand, but it was very good!! Tomorrow we are hoping to see some more sights of the city.

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