Sunday, April 08, 2007

Day 3 - Easter Sunday

4/8/07 – Sunday
Today was definitely unlike any other Easter Sunday we have had before! The Easter bunny didn’t exactly find us here. He hoped to have time to shop after we got here, but didn’t really have the opportunity. We didn’t have much luck in asking around about a church to go to either. The only one we saw within walking distance from our hotel room was Catholic, so we decided to stay here and have our own little service. It was a very sweet time and probably helped us remember as much or more about why we celebrate Easter than if we’d been in a church building.

We went out for breakfast and then located the mall and…. (drumroll please)….. TARGET!!! Well, it’s not exactly Target but it’s Target. (with a period on the end)! The reason this is big news is that there is no Target in Guam and I have missed it like crazy! The bad news is that this Target (.) was similar, but much more expensive and the sizes are different here, so we got overwhelmed and left pretty quickly. Oh well, considering how expensive things are here, it’s probably good that we were not tempted to spend more money!!!

There was a little petting zoo set up in the mall where the girls got to hold some little guinea pigs and chicks and that was fun for them. After the mall, we came back to the hotel for a swim in the very small hotel pool.

For dinner, we tried a Mexican food restaurant. Yes, we are THAT desperate for Mexican food that we’d actually try it here! There are only 2 Mexican food restaurants in Guam and one is bad and the other is really bad! So, we thought we’d give it a try here. It wasn’t as bad as Guam, however, it did not get the thumbs up from most of us. Allie loved her cheese nachos, but how can you mess up cheese and chips?? The hot sauce had a distinct similarity to chunky ketchup!! As we were eating on the outside balcony, we got to see a HUGE colony of bats fly over which was really cool!!

There was a playground outside where Adysen and Allie made some new friends from Johanisburg, South Africa. They came and asked where we were from and when we told them “Texas”, they said “Is that in Johanisburg?”  We enjoyed some more yummy gelato after dinner and hanging out on the Esplanade. It was another fun day!

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