Saturday, August 19, 2006


All 3 of the girls attended VBS this week at the church on base. They had a GREAT time! Kelsey got many babysitting prospects out of helping with a 3 and 4 year old group. Adysen did not want to leave each night - she loved the music! We bought the CD and they have played it constantly here at home. Jason and I used our "we are new" card and didn't stay to help. We felt sort of bad, but rationalized it by the fact that we helped with Southlake's VBS already this summer and we enjoyed a little time to ourselves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's even better because Jason didn't end up hurting himself or going to the ER after putting up the towel rack!!

The snorkeling must have been such fun!!

How was the parrot fish?