Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Well, we had a Thanksgiving unlike any other. First, I will say that it is VERY hard being away from our family this time of year!!! Holidays are just not the same. We decided since our Thanksgiving was going to be different anyway, we'd make it completely diffferent! We did NO cooking.... instead we spent 2 nights at a hotel/resort called the Pacific Island Club and it was SO much fun! We ate lunch on the way there at a Chinese Resturaunt - we have never used chopsticks for Thanksgiving lunch before, but the food was really good! We did have some traditional food for dinner at the hotel buffet. There was a great breakfast buffet the next morning and also an amazing dinner show that we enjoyed on Friday night. We had some shushi and other traditional Japanese food before we left on Saturday. Here are some pictures of the fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hard to be so far away if you are used to big family traditions, so smart move to just go all out & be completely different!! I think I've eaten at that place. I had walnut shrimp. Um, um, um! Yummy!! You can keep the sushi. Ick! Everyone in our family loves it though, except me.

Have you tried Shirley's fried rice yet?? I miss Shirley's.

Watch for the holiday open air concert behind one of the hotels. Lots of different bands, the bring a picnic & sit out on the lawn...lasts all afternoon/evening...and don't tell the girls, but Santa shows up on a carabao. 8^)

Best wishes,