Well the camera stayed busy today...... First, Adysen dressed up as her favorite storybook character. She chose Piper the Mouse. The 2nd grade students read the book with their character in it to the younger kids. Adysen was the cutest Piper ever!!
Then, this afternoon Allie won a prize for her entry into the Red Ribbon week poster contest. Her picture was chosen from many entries in K-2nd grades. She was SO excited to win!!
Of course we'll have more pictures after the actual day tomorrow, but I wanted to share the fun we've had getting ready for the big day. Here is the yearly pumpkin carving ritual and a few of the girls in their Halloween shirts just because they are cute!
Allie failed her vision screening during a check up a few weeks ago. She went to the eye doctor yesterday and we learned that she would indeed need glasses. The bad news is that she has an astigmatism, but the good news is that it does have the potentinal to improve over time as her eyes grow and change. Her prescription isn't too strong at this point,so we are thankful for that. We had to pay WAY more than what we pay for Adsyen's glasses in the states, so we hope that this prescription works for her and that this pair lasts until we get back to the 2 for $99 deal at Eyemasters this summer!! Anyway, here she is...........
After a LOT of hysterical tears and MAJOR drama, Allie has lost her front 2 teeth and has the toothless grin that I always LOVE!!! :) You would have thought she was dying with the way she screamed when we pulled them, but those pesky teeth are out now! I'm excited because she was supposed to have her school pictures taken today, but they postponed them until Friday, so now we will have that toothless grin captured in her first grade photos!! I love it! :)
Thank goodness Allie got her vest and book tonight! I was worried because she SO wants to keep up with Adysen and she was ready with her memory work, but one of the requirement is to attend 2 meetings in a row and she didn't do that since she was sick last week. Thankfully, they didn't count that against her, so here she is with her new Awana getup!! :)